Expat Phyles
Expat Phyles was created to help you create the right Plan B... in the right part of the world... where you and your family can ride out any troubles in your home country during the turbulent 2020s.
From international living to offshore investing... from private schools to private banking... foreign real estate... second passports... offshore vaults for your precious metals... asset protection trusts do's and don'ts... how to make your digital life un-cancellable... and the best residencies for you to pursue right now... all wrapped up in a dose of libertarian philosophy and uncommon good sense that will keep you sane in an increasingly insane world!
Expat Phyles
Ep. 37: The 3 Layers of Protection
Here's a quick rundown of the three primary layers of protection that safeguard your wealth from the coming chaos. Your government is not your friend. In fact, it is the #1 risk to your legacy money. That's why you need to protect yourself from political risk in your home country. This video explains how easy it is to do that.
Put some money outside the US banking system.
Put money outside the banking system entirely
Bitcoin - Special Report:
Gold Dealer and Storage Vault I recommend:
FAPT - off your balance sheet and out of Dodge. This is the strongest protection you can have.
Bullet Proof Plan B - FREE Report
X Plan Community
Free 15 Minute Call
I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country.
Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government.
Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure.
"I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix